Kacey Kaiuani Gabbert is another one of my very unique and important friends, within the tight circle of my wonderful group of friends. This little hawaiian-japanese gangster is one of my all time favorite people to be around. Kacey and I's friendship began in a moment of silence, in the backseat of our school vice-principal's car. We were being escorted to our cars, to search for weed, and I believe this is the moment where our minds internally connected--for eternity. Our wavelenghts have been everconnected, and her vibes are 10 times out of 10 in sync with mine. We became friends almost instantly, and haven't stopped being friends since. I always remember before we had met, seeing her in 11th grade English class with the same exact Bob Marley shirt that I had. After time and time of hanging out and getting to know this fellow cat-lover, I began learning more and more about the beautiful person she really is. Something about all of our friends, is that we're all somewhat damaged people. And I think that is a binding reason why we are family to one another. Through Kacey's damage, I've realized how much beauty she has taken from it, and used it for good, rather than bad. Kacey is one of the STRONGEST women i know, and I admire her for it. She is a triple threat in the trio of Taylor-Jaedyn-Kacey, all strong Taurus women, being birthed 10 days apart from each other, a true group of Powerpuff Girls. Thank you Kacey, for showing me you and your life and giving me all of your friendship. I love you for all of the infinite lives!!