Katie Green I truly believe fell into my life as a gift from the universe. Our friendship began my sophomore year of undergrad, during a brief moment in time where we sat next to each other in an general requirements Anthropology course. I'm not sure if either of us knew each others names very well at first, but we definitely relied on each other for notes from class whenever one of us decided not to show up that day. And oh, did we gain a loyal friendship because of it. I had many classes with Katie afterwards, as we soon discovered that we shared a major. In our junior year, we studied abroad in Sevilla together. Katie was my guiding light in my decision to go to Sevilla, and every time I saw her she was sure to continue encouraging me to go, and I am so thankful that I did. She was one of my two roommates in Sevilla, where a sisterhood beautifully grew. We met up in Paris together, and spent the day walking to the Eifel Tower and accidentally stumbling upon the Louvre together, (A MAGICAL MOMENT I WILL NEVER FORGET). Not only were we roommates, but we working in the Urban Gardens of Sevilla together. After spending 3 weeks attached at the hip, a platform for a beautiful friendship was built. Cheers to forever, Katie ❤️ thanks for your friendship and encouragement and thank you for helping me to PROUDLY admit my career goals to people, no matter how uncomfortable it may make them ;)