Annmarie is another friend of mine from middle school, a unique bond that we have never broken. Annmarie has been there with me through all the sleepovers and junk food and I can't thank her enough for all the movies she's shown me and her famous hilarious references. Annmarie is a soul that is BURSTING with joy and happiness. Joy and laughter and smiles and cheer radiate from her the moment you see her. I can't thank Annmarie enough for being another one of my most loyal and trustworthy friends. Annmarie stays true to her morals and values and have NEVER let another person pressure her into doing otherwise. I've always admired her for her strength and rebellion against peer pressure, her strong and boadcious personality. Shes got a heart of gold--one so deep and so giving that one cannot compare it with anyone else's. I've always gotten along with Annmarie for that reason alone. We live completely different lifestyles, yet remain the absolute best of friends because we respect each other's ways of life and find that we can learn from each other in the most positive and mind-opening ways. She's been there since middle school, and in March Jaedyn & I will be standing with her at her wedding, as we marry her off to her new-found wonderful fiancee, Zakk. (congrats annmarie, I know how long you've waited for a man like him. You deserve to be loved in all the right ways). I cannot wait to see where our endless friendship takes us, and cannot wait to share the rest of this life with you by my side. Thank you for being you, Annmarisa, I love you forever.