Joseph Campbell was an American mythologist that dedicated his time to reading stories. This bookworm of a man would read for 9 hours a day for 5 years straight! After reading all of these different kinds of stories, he found a common theme, which he called "The Hero's Journey."
For those of you who don't know much about the Hero's Journey, I'll put it into a few words;
Induvidual goes on some kind of an advenutre
Adventure entails multiple struggles and triumphs
Induvidual comes home changed/transformed in some way
The importance of the Hero's Journey in everyday life, is that we all can be heroes if we just follow our bliss.
When we don't follow our bliss, we end up feeling stuck in life, distant, fearful, insecure. Our self-doubt increases, and we become depressed and/or anxious.
Follow your wisdom & trust that.
(see post on BLISS)