Mental health is simply something we cannot ignore in one another, let alone ourselves, ESPECIALLY ourselves. Today is all about acknowledging and accepting the fact that these issues are real, and those who are suffering deserve help in any form that may be.
As someone who comes from a family with a schizophrenic relative, and as someone who deals with personal anxiety and self-acceptance, this is one of the utmost important topics I can only hope I reach people with.
Everyone is struggling in some form or another. Whether it be depression, anxiety, bi-polar disorder, OCD, schizophrenia, drug addiction, alcoholism, autism (I could list all the names under the sun), or even if it was simply just a bad day that stressed you out, there is always something running through each and every one of our minds that wants to push us into a negative state of mind - a dark place to say the least.
THIS is why I preach to everyone I know about how important love, and embracing yours and other peoples' weirdness is. A negative reaction to someone's abnormality or unique personality can push someone into the place that I don't think any human being could wish upon another. (Also, where would the fun in this world be if everyone was the exact same?!)
Since today is about acknowledging these issues and removing the stigma, I encourage everyone to meet with someone today, ( a stranger, a neighbor, a loved one, a roommate, a cat, a lizard, a bumble bee, a beautiful autumn color-changing tree, etc.) and look past the front they put on - look behind their waterfall and into their mind. Accept and acknowledge that we all need help. Seriously give someone a hug and let them know that you are here and are too, struggling.
I wish nothing but eternal mindfulness to every living being in this overwhelmingly enormous galaxy.
Much love,