During my short term study abroad experience in the Summer of 2018 in Sevilla, Espana - my life changed forever. I was so nervous going into it, but am more grateful for the experience than any other experience i've ever had in my life. My HDFR program is only about 5 years old, so this was the first study abroad experience that CU Denver's HDFR program has ever seen! Of course we did a few touristy things as a group, like see the 3rd largest cathedral in the world, Alcazar, Flamenco dancning, etc. We were fortunately in Sevilla for their holiday of Corpus Christi, a very traditional part of their catholic culture. However, Sevilla was chosen for its less touristy lifestyle, and a little bit of a more authentic town. Not only did i make connections with girls from my school on a very deep and more personal level, but i also made connections with my professors, and with people in Sevilla. I did an internship in the Red Huertos de Urbanos of Sevilla, going around to a different urban garden everyday depending on what needed to be done and where needed help. The connections made in those gardens are some that has touched my heart and soul forever. I worked with little children teaching them about the plants and how to plant and care for them, along with teach them the words in english. Sometimes we would work with adults with special needs, but mainly a couple girls and i worked alongside our supervisor who took us under his wing not only in the garden, but also as a true friend in Sevilla. The other girls in my group did some majorly powerful work as well; refugee sites, and all ages of educational experience. I completed two courses while in Sevilla, included of two major research assignments and reflection work. Our classroom was inside a beautiful building, one that i will never lose sight of deep within my memory and soul. Katie made an italian friend who owned the nearby gelato shop, and he soon became of friend of mine too. Being able to immerse myself into a culture different than my own was completely mind opening and soul refreshing. It enhanced my love for travel, grew my relationships both there and back at home, and reminded me that life is not always about remaining in your comfort zone. In fact, one must break their comfort zone in order to see the world for what it really is, and i think that is so important for individual growth and aspirations. I will forever bring this experience with me, and i cannot thank Dr. Ruben enough for his dedication in creating this first study abroad experience for HDFR. I am so proud to be apart of something so valueable to this worldwide community. HDFR has quickly becoome my home, and this trip really solidified that for me. Sevilla will always be a place of home in my heart.
Until i return, a piece of my heart is there forever!