Karen Denise Spaziani is my beautfiul mother. I really owe my entire existence to her, so a simple blog post can't really do it justice. My mother is a character of pure strength--one that has been through the battle of breast cancer TWICE, and survived it both times. Because of such battles, the doctors told her she would never have children again..... until I came along, so I guess you could call me a miracle baby ;)
My mama has taught me a lot about what it is to be a woman-- "girls always wear lotion and chapstick," a saying that has never left my head, especially when I find myself in times of chapped lips and cracking knuckles. Not only has my mama taught me a lot about life, but I know that i have a lot of mental wealth to offer her in exchange, and I really appreciate her being open to my new ideas and lifestyle choices. My mother has always been the one I hug during my tears, or the one to always fix to my emotional needs. She's been put through hell, and has come out an angel. Thank you mama for not only all you do for me, my sister, and my friends - but also all you do for your community! I love you so so much!

This is a beautiful tribute from my dear sweet daughter! you have such a sweet sweet soul and have always been so creative and thoughtful. I’m super proud of you and its a privilege to be your Mama and share your life. I love you very very much!