Jennifer Muniz is my absolutely adorable, brilliant, mermaid-hair half-sister queen. She is 10 years older than me, so through our childhoods we naturally saw the world differently. Growing up she was almost more of an authoritive figure for me due to our age difference. We have always gotten along, just have been in entirely different growth periods throughout our early life. Now that we're both at an age thats somewhat similar to each other, I think we've found our true sister bond and connection. My sister has been through much pain in her life, and through meeting her husband Dave, (and having a beautiful family with him), I've seen her pain diminish each year that she grows. This past year in particular, I have seen my sister blossom from a sprouting bud to a full blown lotus. You see, the lotus is one of my favorite flowers, because it only grows in such dirty, murky waters, yet blossoms so beautiful and so big. The lotus kind of reminds me of her - a true diamond in the rough. Not only have I seen her blossom, but her husband too. Dave and I have always been close throughout her relationship, but after they have truly found themselves and found who they have want to be, I have connected with them on a much more spiritual and passionate level. My heart is so full seeing the smiles and laughter radiating from their bodies. Their energies are aboslutely recognizable and I can only appreciate them now more than ever before. I pride my life in helping people to embrace their weirdness and after seeing their true personalities come out to the world in comfort, I feel as if I could die happily if today were the day. Cheers, to my wonderful sister and brother-in-law, and may you forever choose to embrace your weirdnesses. My life is 10x more brighter and happier with you two so truly in it.

It is a privilege and a joy to be these beautiful girls’ Mama. They are the best thing that has ever happened to me.