Communication is a touchy subject I think for most people in this world. Jeeze, it can be hard to talk about some deep rooting issues, am I right? Saying words out loud that haunt your life send chills down your spine.... yet always give you a sense of relief after saying them.
Have you ever thought about how communication affects our relationships? Our lives? Our enviornment? The way we develop?
Take that all in for a second.
The way we communicate has a direct effect on everything around us. For example, in many cultural cases of two differing cultured people trying to communicate, they commonly misinterpret one another due to lack of correct communication. In relationships, people miss each other intrinsically all the time due to lack of communication.
Metacommunication. What is that?
Well, when you break it down, obviously communication is communication, and meta is just a prefix of the english language used to indicate a concept which is an abstraction to another concept. In more simpler words: communicating about communication.
It is essential to METACOMMUNICATE! With metacommunication you will always improve your relationships with other people, because they will ultimately understand how you are feeling, or taking in whatever is being communicated.
Lots of communication, huh? ;)