Meditation has always hovered over my existence in one way or another, however I didn't actually start to practice meditation until a couple years ago. I've lost touch with the practice here and there, but recently I have been getting back into the habit of doing so. What i've always read in science text books and health forums about training the mind with meditation not only lives up to actually acting on it, but it exceeds my expectation - however I believe that is the exact issue with most people & their struggle with learning how to meditate.
The thought of meditation to some seems uncomfortable, unnecessary, awkward, etc. I think that when most people first start to meditate, they become frustrated or angry in the sense that meditation is not what they were expecting, or believing it to be. However, the technique of meditation is actually very straightforward and incredibly simple, it is only one's projections & expectations which make it frustrating and/or complicated. The only thing that really creates tension during meditation, is the want for things to be different than they are.
With that being said, I think that everyone could benefit from meditating, even if its only once in a while. While the human mind generates millions and trillions of thoughts, learning how to step back and analyze, watch, examine those thoughts is extremely important. It all goes back to one of my most sacred self-morals: always observe before reacting
Not only does meditation help one to increase their patience and self-awarness, it also allows us to enhance our own oneness & own experience here on Earth, along with our relationships with others. Clarity dictates our perspective, & our perspective dictates our experience.
The traffic inside of our human brains needs someone or something to direct it afterall, & starting with clarity, I believe, will create the direction and oneness that everyone needs a little bit of to regain some peace of mind.
Always sending love,