Fellow friends, peers, colleagues, classmates, family members, citizens, non-citizens, politicians, educators, researchers, buisness men/women, etc. please let me discuss with you the importance of challenging your mind & perspective away from today's (certainly not correct) society. It seems to me, and I assume everyone I know, that our current life we live in likes to assign people a name or label. For instance, "at-risk youth" or "privileged" stands out very loudly to me. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take these labels and throw them out the window, because these labels are basically everything that's backwards, & everything that is creating tension between one another. When we assign a kid who grows up with a single parent, or a child of color in an low-income neighborhood, the label "at-risk" we also inherently assign them the thought that they cannot and will not succeed. When we assign a white kid who goes to college with financial help from their parents the label "privileged", we assign them the thought that they are significantly valued more in our society than the "at-risk" kid, or that they are superior to others like him/her. Unfortunately, these assigned labels are absolutely false. Just because a child of color grows up in a low-income neighborhood doesn't mean that the outcome of his future will entail failure, and just because a white girl/boy has financial tools to get them through college, that doesn't mean they are valued any higher in our society.
If you are my example of a child of color who grew up in a low-income neighborhood, you have the power within you to utilize your toolbox to gain other tools to lead you where you wish to pursue your life.
If you are my example of a white individual in college or graduate with no financial struggle, please know you are not superior in this society because of those circumstances. Use your knowledge you are re-learning to help the ones who aren't to find their capacity to navigate their way through this society.
If you are any other example that's ever been labeled or put in some kind of box by society, CHALLENGE THIS for the greater good of our future endeavors!
Much love and mindful wishes,