I am a strong believer in doing random acts of kindness for friends, family, myself, and most importantly, complete strangers. Random acts of kindness are POWERFUL in profound ways. Many people in this culture and this current day society, are afraid to look strangers in the eye and truly ask them how their day went, where one will find in other societies that this is just simply not true, (check out my Human Development section if you're interested). However, the point is that just by doing one simple kind thing for another person can have the most insightful effect on them. You could be the reason someone smiles, when who knows how long they've needed that smile? YOU could be the person to save someone from ending their life here on Earth, by simply reaching out a hand and letting them know that SOMEONE recognizes them. YOU my friends, are the reason for humanity alone!
Not only can these things help other people, but believe it or not they actually help yourself too. By loving other humans and showing them that humanity is still alive somewhere, YOU are keeping the heartbeat to the human race animated, and with this strength, you can prove to yourself that you are worthy of something, and hopefully this leads to loving yourself even more.