I've said this again & again, yet I will continue to share this mental wealth with the world until I am no longer present in it. Some say I let others walk all over me, and some say I give too many chances to people who don't deserve them. Yet somehow, every time I always turn around with the same response: "everyone deserves a second chance, everyone deserves love."
In a world as giant & broken as this one, I have come to my own personal conclusion that there is no other way to go about my life than to continuously spread the enormous amount of love that I have to give. Kindness & conversation goes beyond what any of you could ever imagine. I know first hand that these brilliant aspects of life have helped me in profound ways, even if it was the most simplest act of kindness. When I was in high school & sat by the kid who had no one to sit next to at lunch, we became close friends instantly, no matter how different the two of us were. THIS is the kind of interaction that I live for. When I forgive someone who doesn't deserve it & see the hope light up in their eyes, THAT is what I live for. When I take time out of my busy day to talk to a homeless man sleeping on the streets & he sheds tears because of it, THAT is what I live for. I LIVE for keeping the light alive in humanity's eyes, & thus far, I've found out that LOVE is one of the only ways to do so. When you learn to share your love & acceptance with the rest of humanity (& other species of the world), you also start to find the love in yourself that you thought never existed. Kindness goes a long way my friends, find it in yourselves & spread it.