Today, I chatted with a friend about the importance of truly listening to someone in order to have a genuine conversation. As being constantly distracted is something I struggle with on a daily basis, yet am planning on making a living solely based on listening to people, I think it’s important to remind ourselves everyday to pay attention to those around you. We so often use conversation as a basis for promotion, or spend our conversations planning our brilliant replies. However to understand someone, we need to be quiet. We need to simply let go of our distractions with ease, and get rid of our planned out speech. We need to listen with the intent to understand one another, and we need to remember that every single person we come across knows something that we don’t. Every living being in this world holds something magnificent beneath their skin. I promise that if you expect to be amazed when you listen to someone new, you will be.
Take the time to settle your own thoughts, and see what others’ thoughts have to offer you and your life