Today I’ve stumbled across an overlying theme; that theme being to check your privilege. Today I challenge you to recognize those systemically placed in marginalized groups - are you placed in one? If you’re not, recognize that you were born into a world that was made for you. Today I challenge you to recognize what struggles those are facing out there today, big or small. Are you apart of the struggle? If you’re not, did you choose to ignore those struggles because they don’t involve you? Or did you choose to struggle alongside those struggling? Us white, male, cis-gender, heterosexual, citizen-born, (the privilege list goes on forever) need to realize and recognize how history has shaped our culture and society into where we are today. We need to check in with our racist and sexist thoughts that inevitably come up, not push them down, and combat them. Recognizing is the first step, but what are you doing to ENGAGE in a society where these things are still very much present, to push forward and finally equalize our intersections?
The goal here, is to check your privilege! Do that today!!!