"There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart. Pursue these."
- Michael Nolan
I cannot tell you how many times people have told me "you would have gotten a better degree at this school" or that majors in college I am interested in and pursuing "aren't going to make me money" or "you're just going to be another social worker." (studying Human Development & Family Relations, along with Psychology and a slight focus on philosophy btw)
But money isn't what I'm after in life -- I'll always figure that out somehow or someway. Studying what I want to study, doing what I love to do, being where I want to be has molded myself to who I am today, and that is something I am very proud of. Following your bliss is not just a cheesy quote from the internet, it's something that is always with you and always has been with you. Doors will open wide if you just trust and follow the wisdom your heart withholds. "Pursue these" things, and I promise you will find nothing but magic in this giant, yet sometimes lonley world.