I don’t even know where to begin about my year in 2018 -
This past year has been the year of growth and self nurturance. This year my heart grew, it broke, and it grew again. I lost a lover and a life, but learned to love myself better and create a life I’d rather be living. I cultivated many new amazing relationships with new people, and continued to nourish existing ones. This year I pushed myself to follow my dreams, and succeeded at doing so. I planted my helping hands across the world in the urban gardens of Sevilla, landed my dream internship, and am preparing to finish my Bachelor’s of Science. Somehow these years magically continue to improve from the years prior, and I am humbled by the mental wealth I have grown in the garden of my mind. In 2019, I plan to continue this trend by using my voice and privilege to break societal stigmas and standards, do my best everyday to contribute to equalizing the intersections of our culture and society, quit nurturing negative behaviors, rid myself of gluttony, and remember to start thinking about what I deserve rather than what others deserve from me. (Oh yeah, and also floss my teeth.)
Big shoutout to everyone existing and new in my life that contributed to all of this newfound liberation -
Hope your past year has grown and opened that mind of yours, & I cannot wait to see all the future growth in store for 2019 ✨